  • Видео 442
  • Просмотров 32 340 050


Deep in the mountains, smoke rises from cooking, and the food of the Hamazhe Yi village in Kunming
Просмотров 5 тыс.22 часа назад
大山深处,炊烟袅袅,美食诱人,云南昆明哈马者彝族村落美食全集,柴火烧玉米,土豆,豆腐,毛蛋,松针烤鸡,烤羊,吃带皮羊肉粉! #中国市场 #美食 #烹饪 #小吃 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Proud of carbohydrates, super popular Wuhan breakfast, a major event in life!
Просмотров 14 тыс.День назад
骄阳似火,热气腾腾,超人气过早街,武汉山海关过早,碳水骄傲,人生大事!Super popular Wuhan breakfast, a major event in life! #中国旅游 #早市#小吃 #烹饪#街头小吃 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Visit the morning market | A collection of delicious snacks hidden in the vegetable market
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.21 день назад
赶早市|藏在菜市场里的美味小吃,安徽合肥四弯菜市,碳水炸弹有先煎后烤的蛋饼,芝麻甜饼夹油条,炸米糕,狮子头,葱烧饼,现做的春饼,诱人的金黄锅贴,蛋饺,杂粮馍和烙馍,绿豆糕,干𥻗肉等! #中国旅游#中国市场 #早市#小吃 #烹饪#街头小吃
Super popular breakfast street | breakfast snacks in Wuhan, China
Просмотров 6 тыс.21 день назад
超人气过早街|武汉大成路过早,下雨天也要排长龙,必须吃的美食,热干面,三鲜豆皮,汽水包,面窝,鸡冠饺,酥饺,馄饨,重油烧麦,童子鸡Popular breakfast snacks in Wuhan #中国旅游 #早市#小吃 #烹饪#街头小吃 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
A huge open-air free market | A record of people’s lives in Chengdu, Sichuan, China!
Просмотров 6 тыс.28 дней назад
巨大的露天自由市场|四川成都双流区邹家场赶场,四通八达的街道,人山人海的集市,美味诱人的街头小吃,廉价的水果和蔬菜,来这里体验最真实的中国百姓日常,发现你没见过的稀奇古怪! #赶集#中国旅游#中国市场 #街头小吃 #烹饪 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Super popular morning market | Changsha, China, snacks are popular and delicious!
Просмотров 5 тыс.Месяц назад
超人气早市|中国长沙早市一条街,热闹非凡,每个摊位都非常受欢迎,排长龙,美味小吃有糖油粑粑,葱油饼,糖饺子,地瓜饼,酱香饼,鸡蛋饼,剁辣椒,腌菜,1元生煎包,4元鲜活鱼,23生态猪肉,茶油铁板鸭,鲜炸薯片,老坛剁椒手撕鸡,山药米糕,美味卤味和捆鸡,各种美味糕点和驴打滚等等! #中国旅游#中国市场 #早市#小吃 #烹饪#街头小吃 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Crazy! Snacks, a collection of snacks in Changsha, the city that never sleeps!
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.Месяц назад
太疯狂了!小吃多到爆,不夜城长沙,夜市小吃大合集,一次看个够,还有太多小吃没有拍摄哦! #中国旅游 #小吃#夜市 #烹饪#街头小吃
Going to the market in the hometown of giant pandas|Chengdu|Open-air rural market|Fun and relaxing
Просмотров 13 тыс.Месяц назад
大熊猫的家乡赶集|四川成都天回镇,超大露天乡镇集市,雨后的集市热闹非凡,人流鼎沸,一个小时逛不完,瓜果蔬菜肉小商品样样具全,街头小吃有现磨的粗粮玉米饼,山药米糕,千层饼,卤肉,麻糖,肠粉,酥肉,吃特色豆花面! #赶集#中国旅游#中国市场 #早市#小吃 #烹饪#街头小吃 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Super popular|China Colorful Yunnan Kunming Market|Great shopping and delicious food
Просмотров 14 тыс.Месяц назад
七彩云南昆明市集|生活是晨起暮落,日子是柴米油盐,逛大观篆新农贸市场,超大超全的市场,热闹非凡,傣味烧茄子,牛干巴,老火腿,五颜六色的蔬菜,布依族香粽,柠檬手撕鸡,十八怪蚂蚱,美味的土鹅土鸡,紫米菠萝饭,官渡粑粑,东北菜盒子,锅魁,盐水鱼,菌子酱,被抢购的鲜鸡,云南特色大酥牛肉面等! #中国旅游#中国市场 #早市#小吃 #烹饪#街头小吃 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
All the beauties are here | The hometown of snail noodles - China Liuzhou Morning Market!
Просмотров 9 тыс.Месяц назад
中国柳州早市|螺狮粉的故乡,大暴雨天气也无法阻挡靓女们大排长龙品尝当地特色小吃,五色糯米饭,豆粉馍,绵绵糕,猪肉脯,茉莉豆浆送香包和手串,蚝蛋烧,鲜榨玉米汁,芋泥奶酪,鸡蛋汉堡,非遗漆扇,水晶饺,水油堆,螺狮粉一包3元,肉蛋卷,水果酸嘢等,一小时逛遍青云市场! #中国旅游#中国市场 #早市#小吃 #cooking #streetfood 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
China Travel - Nanning Street Food, snacks that Chinese people have never eaten, exciting!
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.Месяц назад
中国广西南宁美食之旅-西关美食街,特色美味小吃超多,美女超靓,沉浸式体验当地小吃,酸菜煎猪血糯米肠,老友水煮臭豆腐,假篓饼,炒粉,博白酸嘢芒果花,古法酒缸吊烧,印度飞饼! #美食街#夜市 #小吃 #food #streetfood #cooking #ChinaTravel 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Super lively | Market day loved by adults and children, a small city in Guizhou, China
Просмотров 8 тыс.Месяц назад
中国贵州赶集|五线城市兴义市赶集日,每周一次,超热闹,大人小孩都喜欢,摊位铺满好几条街,从农贸产品到街头小吃,各种家庭小宠物,花卉绿植,根雕工艺品等,应有尽有,云赶集,市场漫步! #赶集 #小吃 #中国食品#市场#cooking #chinesefood #streetfood #market 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Love it | China Chongqing Market Day | Super large scale, delicious food and good shopping
Просмотров 16 тыс.Месяц назад
中国重庆赶场|汪家堡赶集日,超大露天集市,热闹非凡,小吃美食超级多,当地有名的荣昌卤鹅,猪八戒推磨的玉米饼,手撕烤兔,麻辣爆炒肥肠,油炸小鱼干和酥肉,米花糖,肉饼,旋转黄金饼,小蜜蜂都爱的蜂蜜,手撕柠檬鸡,推积如山的鲜玉米,被疯抢的粽叶粑,还有各种新鲜的农贸商品,好逛又好吃,爱了! #中国集市#赶集日#街头小吃#cooking #赶集 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Market in Kunming, China | DragonStreet Market Day, endless surprises and lots of delicious food!
Просмотров 8 тыс.Месяц назад
中国昆明赶集|龙街赶集日,早晨8点就热闹非凡,人流攒动,2个小时逛不完,衣服5元钱,手表20元,修面的,野生根子药,鞋子15元,手工鞋帽个个漂亮惊艳,6元一碗的豌豆粉和卷粉真的好吃,8元一碗的洋芋饭,狗牙,狼牙真的很少见,忙不赢的小吃店,人超多,10元一碗的汤圆,各种的铜制品餐具,米花糖,烧鸡,山药糕,美味的老卤豆腐,官渡粑粑,朝鲜打糕,玫瑰醋,花茶等等! 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: ruclips.net/channel/UCwfmlcsxSUjS6BmOVntDUmgjoin
Going to the market in Kunming, China|Ma Street - a market on the railway tracks, fun and delicious!
Просмотров 10 тыс.Месяц назад
Going to the market in Kunming, China|Ma Street - a market on the railway tracks, fun and delicious!
Market Day in Chongqing, China|The scene is shocking, everything is available, come and choose!
Просмотров 131 тыс.2 месяца назад
Market Day in Chongqing, China|The scene is shocking, everything is available, come and choose!
Morning Market in Guiyang, China | Food paradise, three morning markets in one!
Просмотров 49 тыс.2 месяца назад
Morning Market in Guiyang, China | Food paradise, three morning markets in one!
Chongqing, China Market Day|You will fall in love with it once you come here, it has everything here
Просмотров 75 тыс.2 месяца назад
Chongqing, China Market Day|You will fall in love with it once you come here, it has everything here
Market Day in Chengdu, China|A country fair, relaxing and fun|It’s great to eat street food
Просмотров 2,7 тыс.2 месяца назад
Market Day in Chengdu, China|A country fair, relaxing and fun|It’s great to eat street food
Mianyang Food Street, China - Majia Lane | There are too many snacks, do you have any that you like?
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.2 месяца назад
Mianyang Food Street, China - Majia Lane | There are too many snacks, do you have any that you like?
Street morning market food Guangyuan, Sichuan/China open-air morning market
Просмотров 6 тыс.2 месяца назад
Street morning market food Guangyuan, Sichuan/China open-air morning market
🇨🇳 Worth a visit! Street food and delicacies gathered under the overpass
Просмотров 6 тыс.2 месяца назад
🇨🇳 Worth a visit! Street food and delicacies gathered under the overpass
Visiting the delicious snack farmers market is relaxing and comfortable in Tianshui, China!
Просмотров 7 тыс.2 месяца назад
Visiting the delicious snack farmers market is relaxing and comfortable in Tianshui, China!
There are so many great snack morning markets, you can visit them all in one go, Tianshui, China!
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 месяца назад
There are so many great snack morning markets, you can visit them all in one go, Tianshui, China!
🇨🇳Tianshui Morning Market, traditional and authentic local snacks, know all about it!
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 месяца назад
🇨🇳Tianshui Morning Market, traditional and authentic local snacks, know all about it!
China's Tianshui Malatang is popular on the Internet, experience it in person and visit the market
Просмотров 2 тыс.3 месяца назад
China's Tianshui Malatang is popular on the Internet, experience it in person and visit the market
A bowl of Malatang can bring fire to a city! Visiting the morning market in Tianshui, Gansu Province
Просмотров 14 тыс.3 месяца назад
A bowl of Malatang can bring fire to a city! Visiting the morning market in Tianshui, Gansu Province
Bring extra stomachs and visit the Xi'an morning market to taste a lot of authentic street snacks!
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.4 месяца назад
Bring extra stomachs and visit the Xi'an morning market to taste a lot of authentic street snacks!
Catch the morning market, Xi'an Sajinqiao Morning Market, the bustling food stalls!
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.4 месяца назад
Catch the morning market, Xi'an Sajinqiao Morning Market, the bustling food stalls!


  • @epifaniomartinezchinchia2300
    @epifaniomartinezchinchia2300 День назад

    Que ingredientes utiliza

  • @8827180
    @8827180 4 дня назад


  • @vooon5510
    @vooon5510 4 дня назад


  • @user-mk9zn1nu1h
    @user-mk9zn1nu1h 5 дней назад

    Superb wok skills. Brilliant and thank you chefs.

  • @NGHU-qr9hr
    @NGHU-qr9hr 6 дней назад


  • @lytran.mylife
    @lytran.mylife 7 дней назад

    Đây là món ăn ngon

  • @Tombchu
    @Tombchu 7 дней назад


  • @wingkuenwong4981
    @wingkuenwong4981 8 дней назад


  • @yaekaori3423
    @yaekaori3423 12 дней назад


  • @darwincastellano9921
    @darwincastellano9921 13 дней назад

    Cómo se llama la música

  • @user-ey1sx2mp5p
    @user-ey1sx2mp5p 13 дней назад

    Thank you for your video. Could you please share the location of the market? My mother would like to go.

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays 13 дней назад

      Tianhui Town, Chengdu, Sichuan

  • @user-es1mm5vd9b
    @user-es1mm5vd9b 13 дней назад


  • @leksandr-buryad
    @leksandr-buryad 14 дней назад


  • @poyongwang
    @poyongwang 16 дней назад

    煤油熱乾麵好吃嗎?😊 吃兔肉國家

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays 16 дней назад


  • @poyongwang
    @poyongwang 16 дней назад

    煤油蛋餅好吃嗎?😊 這就是吃兔肉的報應

  • @shanej.w4822
    @shanej.w4822 18 дней назад

    炒技、速度、火控、默契以及臂力的集中全是神技!這位年輕師父的功夫就已經是非一般的高強了!佩服佩服! 👏🏽👍🏽

  • @ariffirdaus1415
    @ariffirdaus1415 20 дней назад

    how much price this machine ??? please tell me!

  • @hanwang7265
    @hanwang7265 24 дня назад

    0:58 這個轉場來的太突然😂

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays 24 дня назад


  • @Kana-888
    @Kana-888 24 дня назад


    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays 24 дня назад


    • @Kana-888
      @Kana-888 24 дня назад

      @@TasteSays 👍非常感谢🙏

  • @blademaster200
    @blademaster200 24 дня назад


  • @SophonsCookieCreations
    @SophonsCookieCreations 25 дней назад

    That is so beautiful

  • @kingchaos4986
    @kingchaos4986 25 дней назад

    que delicia, muita carne 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 🇧🇷

  • @user-we4qu5jz7e
    @user-we4qu5jz7e 25 дней назад

    Доброе ВСЕМ УТРО . Приятного аппетита .👍🥣

  • @user-zonglu
    @user-zonglu 26 дней назад


  • @e168etw
    @e168etw 28 дней назад

    料超多 風味絕佳、值得品嚐!👍👍👍👍👍

  • @royaleromo8391
    @royaleromo8391 29 дней назад

    I really would like to try this. People in Hawaii don't make this at all..

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays 29 дней назад

      This snack can only be eaten in Xi'an😄

  • @user-we4qu5jz7e
    @user-we4qu5jz7e Месяц назад


  • @kirkortommvayvalako2814
    @kirkortommvayvalako2814 Месяц назад

    at the beginning of the video what oil is he using?

  • @1977sallysue
    @1977sallysue Месяц назад

    May I please have a big pan of this to go please 🙏 🙏🙏😋😋😋 and thank you yummmy one of my favorite meal dishes ever 😋😋 that looked amazing 👍👍👍👍😋

  • @yidlgh
    @yidlgh Месяц назад


  • @sinnombre4357
    @sinnombre4357 Месяц назад

    23:20 The way he peels that crepe looking thing is amazing! Mad skills. 🤯

  • @nogosari3596
    @nogosari3596 Месяц назад

    6:08 whats turkey noodle?

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays Месяц назад

      Very spicy noodle😄

  • @petyapetya2795
    @petyapetya2795 Месяц назад

    Too much circus, can do the same without so much movements

  • @xeomvlog5182
    @xeomvlog5182 Месяц назад

    Tiêu hao rất nhiều năng lượng cho việc này,,,có cần như vậy ko nhể

  • @jasminelow8105
    @jasminelow8105 Месяц назад


  • @siss123
    @siss123 Месяц назад


  • @thanhvancooking3632
    @thanhvancooking3632 Месяц назад

    There is so little meat…

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays Месяц назад

      10 CNY is less than 1.4 USD. This is the life of ordinary people. It's good enough to have enough food. The average salary of Chinese people is 3000 CNY a month.

  • @allagutu5872
    @allagutu5872 Месяц назад

    Фу, сколько мусора кругом.

  • @TasteSays
    @TasteSays Месяц назад

    Tianhui Town is located in Jinniu District, Chengdu. Its market time is 1, 4, and 7 on the Gregorian calendar. The following is some introduction to the market in Tianhui Town: - Location: The market is mainly concentrated on the riverside of Tianhui Town, along Tianlongqiao South Street and Haibinyan. - Commodity types: There are many kinds of commodities in the market, including vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, aquatic products, dry goods, snacks, etc. You can find a variety of fresh ingredients and special snacks here. - Prices: The prices in Tianhui Town are relatively cheap, especially some local agricultural products that are produced and sold by themselves, which are affordable. - Atmosphere: The atmosphere of the market is lively and people can feel the strong atmosphere of fireworks here. - Features: Tianhui Town has some special commodities and delicacies, such as freshly made rice candy, pot-fried steamed beef with flour, etc. When going to the market, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points: - Pay attention to personal and property safety, especially in crowded places to keep your belongings. - You can bargain appropriately, but you must also respect the fruits of the merchant's labor. - Pay attention to environmental protection and avoid littering. - Respect local customs and cultural traditions.

  • @TasteSays
    @TasteSays Месяц назад

    天回鎮位於成都會金牛區,其趕集時間為每逢陽曆1、4、7。以下是一些關於天回鎮趕集的介紹: - 地點:趕集的地點主要集中在天回鎮的河邊,沿著天龍橋南街、海濱堰一帶展開。 - 商品種類:市集上的商品種類繁多,包括蔬菜、水果、肉類、家禽、水產、乾貨、點心等。在這裡可以找到各種新鮮的食材和特色小吃。 - 物價:天回鎮的物價相對較為便宜,尤其是一些本地自產自銷的農產品,價格實惠。 - 氣氛:趕集的氛圍熱鬧非凡,人們可以在這裡感受到濃厚的煙火氣息。 - 特色:天回鎮有一些特色的商品和美食,如現做的米花糖、鍋盔粉蒸牛肉等。 在趕集時,建議注意以下幾點: - 注意人身和財產安全,特別是在人多擁擠的地方要保管好自己的財物。 - 可以適當講價,但也要尊重商家的勞動成果。 - 注意環保,避免亂丟垃圾。 - 尊重當地的風俗習慣和文化傳統。

    • @poyongwang
      @poyongwang 16 дней назад


  • @zdx6143
    @zdx6143 Месяц назад


  • @carolefearnley1990
    @carolefearnley1990 Месяц назад

    Why would you kill cats and dogs??? Dreadful

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays Месяц назад

      What are you saying? Where are dogs and cats being killed?

  • @pasangshaw5513
    @pasangshaw5513 Месяц назад

    Fastest chowmein maker

  • @user-zl3hu5ut1u
    @user-zl3hu5ut1u Месяц назад


  • @user-jp3ro1ib1y
    @user-jp3ro1ib1y Месяц назад


  • @brandonrafaelchionantahuar5577
    @brandonrafaelchionantahuar5577 Месяц назад

    Sabe rico la comida callejera china

  • @dishang8321
    @dishang8321 Месяц назад


    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays Месяц назад


  • @user-mh2ml1kd6u
    @user-mh2ml1kd6u Месяц назад


  • @Piusplac
    @Piusplac Месяц назад

    I like the video quality (and the content of course too), what camera did you use?

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays Месяц назад

      Glad you like it, I use Sony fx3

  • @user-hh7dn4ft8k
    @user-hh7dn4ft8k Месяц назад

    very common, nothing special!

    • @TasteSays
      @TasteSays Месяц назад

      Technology is the most special